文档介绍:大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第一册 Book1 Unit6 答案 1)expert 2)amaze 3)quality control 4)relieve 5)assembly line 6)fire 7)major 8)decrease 9)management 10) productive 1)relieve 2)decrease 3)whatsoever 4)career 5)Unfortunately 6)results in 7)background 8)Asaresult 9)recognized 10) hold upkeep upwith 11) furthermore 12) onabasis 13) boring 14) findings 15)talk over 16) productive 1)are the basis for any good relationship between nations 2)isthe great efficiency ofthe public services 3)was held upbyathick fog over the airport 4)two major earthquakes inits history, one in1906 and the other in1989 5)the professor was often absent-minded inhis personal life 6)result inanemployee's being fired 1)impossible 2)aware 3)unfortunate 4)literate 5)unnecessary 6)frequent 7)impatient 8)adequate 9)unsealed 10) finished 11) unfair 12) likely 13) irregular 14) direct 1)management 2)managed 3)inspected 4)inspection 5)would consult 6)consultation 7)bore 8)Bored 9)assembled 10) assembling 1)especially/specially 2)especially 3)specially 4)especially 5)specially 6)especially/specially 1)They spent two whole months working onthe design ofthe machine. 2)The artist spends most ofhis spare time collecting butterfly specimens. 3)The manager spent three hours talking toSam yesterday morning. 4)Hespent the whole morning trying tosolve the math problem. 1)except 2)except for 3)except 4)except for 5)except 6)except for 1)His nephew didn't use tovisit him atChristmas. Did his nephew use tovisit him atChristmas? 2)Hedidn't use tobeasthin asshe. Did heuse tobeasthin asshe? 3)She didn't use toburn the midnight oil. Did she use toburn the midnight oil? 1)didn't they 2)did't you 3)wasn't there 1)First ofall/Most important ofall 2)Most curious ofall 3)Most important ofall 4)Worst ofall 1)efficiency 2)Furthermore 3)amazing 4)observation 5)foundation 6)career 7)anize 8)assembly 9)findings 10) management 11) suggestions 12) productive 13) background 14) relieving 15) holding up 16) Unfortunately 1)places/roles 2)bor