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文档介绍:C. --- (船在浅水中)后坐 D. Parallel sinkage --- 平行下沉你船在浅水中并且当船尾向下沉到横波系统的底压区船首波高明显时。这叫。 1920 Your fireman ’s outfit includes a (n) ______. A. Chemical protection face shield. B. Approved work vest. C. D. Marlinespike. 消防员装备包括一个。 1921 You ’d better ______ your course to port to avoid collision. A. To alter. B. C. Altering. D. Altered. 你最好向左向以避免碰撞。 You ’d better = You had better, 后接动词原形,表示“你最好…“。 1922 You will extinguish a fire when you remove ______. A. Nitrogen. B. C. Sodium. D. Carbon dioxide. 当你将移除后火也就熄灭了。 1923 You You should should plot plot your your dead dead reckoning reckoning position position at at ______. ______. A. Every fix or running fix--- 移线定位 B. Every course change. C. Every speed change. D. 在每一个移线定位,航线改变和速度改变时你应标绘推算船位。 1924 You should plot your dead reckoning position ______. A. When you obtain an estimated position. B. Only in piloting waters. C. D. All of the above are correct. 你应标绘所有正确的推算船位。 1925 You notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel. You should first ______. A. B. Notify the senior deck officer. C. Notify the terminal superintendent. D. Determine whether your vessel is the source. 当你在添加燃油时注意到你船的附近水面有油时。你首先应。 1926 You need to make a fixed loop at the end ofa line in order to use the line asa mooring line. You have insufficient time to make a splice. Which knot should you use? A. Clove hitch --- 丁香结 B. Fisherman ’s bend --- 锚结,渔人结 C. --- 单套结 D. Round-turn and two half hitchs --- 旋圆加半结你必须在使用的缆绳端头插接一个固定环象系泊缆一样。如你没有足够的时间来完成插接。你回使用哪一种结? 1927 You must put the ______ cargo this side, if any, and let me know later. A. B. Damage. C. Damaging. D. Damaging. 你必须将(已经)损坏的货物放在这一边,假如有的话,并且稍后让我知道。 1928 You hear the general alarm and ship ’s whistle sound for over 10 seconds. Traditionally, this is the signal for ______. A. Abandon ship. B. Dismissal from fire and emergency stations. C. D. Man overboard. 你听到警报加 10 秒左右的船笛。一般地,这信号是为。 1929 You have not plug ged up the drainage, have you? A. No, I have. B. Yes, I haven ’ t. C. D. No, I didn ’ t. 你没