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文档介绍:A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE GAME OF THRONES CONTENTS ? Background ? The nine houses and main characters ? Sentences Game of thrones is a TV series , It is based on a novel A song of ice and fire . The story takes place in a land of overhead: the seven kingdoms of westeros . Westeros is about the size of South America continent, has long history can be traced back to 12000 years ago. Every season there usually lasted for years. These is Family crest and Family precepts House STARK House Stark is one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms and is the principal house of the North. Its seat is at Winterfell, one of the oldest castles in the Seven Kingdoms. Its coat of arms displays a grey direwolf running on a white field. House Stark ruled as the Kings of Winter for centuries . Since Aegon's Landing, the Starks have been the Lords of Winterfell, Lords Paramount of the North, and Wardens of the North. House: stark Sigil: winter ing (凛冬将至) Seat: winterfell (临冬城) Mark: grey direwolf ? Eddard "Ned" Stark was the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, and briefly served as Hand of the King to King Robert Baratheon .