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上传人:做机械197216396 2017/1/22 文件大小:1.67 MB





文档介绍:优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载,学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 I 四川职业技术学院 Sichuan Vocational and Technical College 毕业设计(论文) 题目 20 型粉碎机下体加工工艺及钻4螺孔 M6底孔夹具设计所属系部机械工程系所属专业机械设计与制造所属班级学号学生姓名指导教师起讫日期优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载,学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 2 摘要制造业是国家发展与社会进步的基础,而工艺制造将是未来面对普通消费者的主要的机械制造产品,而随着国家的发展人民生活水平的提高,人们对加工产品的需求和要求必定变的更多,所以我们有必要对加工零件的设计与加工投入更多的精力。而我将在毕业后前往一家以机械生产为主的企业工作,所以了解机械中零件的加工工艺特点及工艺工装设计是非常必要的。为了更好的进行此次毕业设计我在校图书馆与辽宁省图书馆借阅了许多资料,其中对设计帮助比较大的有侯家驹编的《汽车制造工艺学》,张耀宸编的《机械加工工艺设计实用手册》,杨黎明主编的《机床夹具设计手册》,现代机械制造工艺装备标准应用手册编委会编的《现代机械制造工艺装备标准应用手册》等许多图书。本设计是基于 20 型粉碎机下体零件的加工工艺规程及一些工序的专用夹具设计。零件的主要加工表面是平面和孔系。由于本人水平有限,经验不足,设计中必定有许多错误的地方,还请各位老师批评,指正。关键词: 20型粉碎机下体,加工工艺,加工方法,工艺文件,夹具优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载,学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 3 Abstract The manufacturing industry is the foundation for national development and social progress, and manufacturing process will ing face to face with ordinary consumers the main mechanical manufacturing products, and with the improvement of national development and people's living standard, people's requirements for the processing of product will e more, soI have necessary for parts design and processing into more energy. And I will go toa mechanical manufacturing enterprises to work, so it is necessary to understand the machining process characteristics and process design of mechanical parts. In order to better the graduation design I in the school library and Liaoning Province Library to borrow a lotof data, of which the design help relatively large Jiaju Hou Bian the automobile manufacturing technology ", Zhang Yaochen series the machining process design practical handbook", Yang Liming editor in chief of "machine fixture design handbook, the modern machinery manufacturing technology and equipment standards for application of manual editorial pile the modern machinery manufacturing process equipment standard application handbook" many books. The design is based on the 20 type of machine parts processing technology and some of the special fixture design. The main processing surfac