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文档介绍:优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载,学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 I 宁 XX 大学毕业设计( 论文) 21 双转子机体加工工艺及夹具设计所在学院专业班级姓名学号指导老师年月日优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载,学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 2 摘要 21双转子机体零件零件的主要加工表面是平面及孔系。一般来说,保证平面的加工精度要比保证孔系的加工精度容易。因此,本设计遵循先面后孔的原则。并将孔与平面的加工明确划分成粗加工和精加工阶段以保证孔系加工精度。基准选择以变速箱箱体的输入轴和输出轴的支承孔作为粗基准,以顶面与两个工艺孔作为精基准。主要加工工序安排是先以支承孔系定位加工出顶平面,再以顶平面与支承孔系定位加工出工艺孔。在后续工序中除个别工序外均用顶平面和工艺孔定位加工其他孔系与平面。支承孔系的加工采用的是坐标法镗孔。整个加工过程均选用组合机床。夹具选用专用夹具,夹紧方式多选用气动夹紧,夹紧可靠,机构可以不必自锁,因此生产效率较高,适用于大批量、流水线上加工,能够满足设计要求。本文是对 21 双转子机体零件加工应用及加工的工艺性分析,主要包括对零件图的分析、毛坯的选择、零件的装夹、工艺路线的制订、***的选择、切削用量的确定、加工工艺文件的填写。选择正确的加工方法,设计合理的加工工艺过程。,其中,使用范围最广的通用夹具,规格尺寸多已标准化,并且有专业的工厂进行生产。而广泛用于批量生产,专为某工件加工工序服务的专用夹具, 则需要各制造厂根据工件加工工艺自行设计制造。本论文夹具设计的主要内容是设计车中心孔夹具。关键词: 21双转子机体,加工工艺,加工方法,工艺文件,夹具优秀机械毕业设计欢迎下载,学****交流加 QQ 197216396 专业机械设计解君之忧 3 Abstract 21 double rotor body parts parts of the main plane of the surface and pore system. In general, the plane guarantee processing precision than that of holes machining precision easy. Therefore, this design follows the surface after the first hole principle. Plane with holes and the processing clearly divided into roughing and finishing stages of holes to ensure machining accuracy. Datum selection to the gearbox input shaft and the output shaft of the supporting hole asa rough benchmark, with top with two holes asa precision technology reference. Main processes arrangements to support holes for positioning and processing the top plane, and then the top plane and the supporting hole location hole processing technology. In addition to the follow-up processes individual processes are made of the top plane and technological hole location hole and plane processing. Supported hole processing using the method of coordinate boring. The whole process of processing binations were selected. Selection of special fixture fixture, clamping means more choice of pneumatic clamping, clamping reliable, institutions can not be locked, so the production efficiency is high, suitable for large batch, line pr