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文档介绍:... ... 5B 用所给单词的适当形式填空. usually_______(write) e-mails to my friend on Sunday afternoon . 2. _________(do)you need a glass of water? usually_______ (surf) the Inter on Saturday evening. 4. _________(do)you want to bea teacher? 5. _________(do)she need a glass of water? 6. He usually________(go) shopping after lunch. ... ... 7. She likes___ (help) my classmates with _________(they)English. usually________(run) fast. 9. _________(do)she want to bea teacher? 10. He usually_________(go) to school at six o’ clock 11. He _________(have) a family. 12. _________(do) he read newspapers everyday? 13. My aunt usually_________(play) table tenins after school. ... ... 14. I usually_________(do) exercise in the morning. 15. _________ he like goldfish? 16. She usually_________(clean) the desk at noon. 17. _________(do)you like goldfish? 18. He usually__________(sweep) the floor on Sundays 19. He usually________(water) trees on Monday. 20. The girl ’s brother usually_______(go) to school by bike. ... ... 21. She usually_________ (grow) flowers on Saturday afternoon. 22. _________(do)you like goldfish? 23. My aunt usually_________ (keep) cats in the morning. 24. Mike usually_________ (read) newspapers after school. 25. _________(do)she _________ (like) English? 26. He usually_________ (go) to school at in the morning. 27. _________(do)she_________ (feel) ... ... tried? 28. She usually_________ (go) home at in the afternoon. His father usually_____ (surf) the Inter on Saturday evening. 29. Helen usually_________ (go) to bed at . 30. _________(do)she _________ (jump)high? 31. I like _________ (sit) under the trees. 32. He usually_____ (write) e-mails to my friend on Sunday afternoon . ... ... 33. She usually_________ (do) my homework at in the evening. 34. He usually_________ (run) fast. 35. I like_________ (help) my classmates with English. 36. You usually_________ (jump) high. 37. She likes _________ (keep) dogs. 38. I _________ (have) two big eyes. 39
