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文档介绍:Diversified skills brief introduction ?十八般兵器,泛指多种技艺,其内容在各个时期有所不同。其名称,始见于元曲。近代戏曲界有人称之为刀、枪、剑、戟、斧、钺、钩、叉、鞭、锏、锤、抓、镋、棍、槊、棒、拐、流星锤等十八种兵器? Diversified skills, refers to a variety of art, its content is different in each period. Its name, was found in the yuan dynasty. The modern opera known as knives, guns, swords, halberd, axe, axe, hook, fork, scourge, mace, hammer, catch, Tang, stick, a spear, stick, crutch, hammer and other eighteen kinds of weapons. ? video ?刀的种类很多,有青龙偃月刀、二郎刀(即三尖两刃刀)、风嘴刀、眉尖刀、屈刀、戟刀、笔刀等。其中的青龙偃月刀,就是常说的大刀。俗语说: “大刀为百兵之帅”,乃大刀实兵器中的佼佼者。《三才图会》器用卷六载: “关王偃月刀,刀势即大,其三十六刀法,兵仗遇之,无不屈者,刀类中以此为第一。”? In addition there is a single. Among them, the knife head of the large eel's head a knife, knife narrow shaped like a willow who called the lancet, shaped like a Wing Yan Ling Yan Ling steel. The Jie Dao used for monk door law of self-defense, single double. Secondly, according to the different door don't faction, knife used are also different. ? Single is " a hundred soldiers bravery ", and " knife as the tiger ", so the practice to a single powerful, flexible and convenient, and four to say: want doughty, two fast like a meteor, three clean, four to willow wind. ? knife ?枪是四大名器之一(刀、枪、剑、棍),种类很多,有尖枪、花枪、双头枪、钩镰枪等。虽然种类多,但现在主要以练花枪的人居多。?"Seven feet of each other eight feet stick, zero eight inch guns." Each other even though the seven feet long, but is usually defined according to the body height, such as a gun around straight, arm raised fingers, the gun tip and middle finger with high. The move flexibly and quickly, come and go like a shadow, so some people say that each other is "hundred soldiers thief" spear ?剑有单剑、双剑、短剑之别。剑被称为“百兵之君”,君是君子的意思, 古时文人学者都讲究配剑,一方面舞剑以锻炼身体,一方面可以用于防身。过去剑有文武之说,所谓文剑配带有剑袍(即剑穗),武剑则不带。? As the saying goes: "the sword go beauty potential", it is lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy practice, suave appearance, just have a soft, slow, does, there are sound with law, flash show maneuvers, the body is agile, ups and down


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