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外研七上unit1how do i write my homework on puter.ppt

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外研七上unit1how do i write my homework on puter.ppt

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外研七上unit1how do i write my homework on puter.ppt



文档介绍:Module 7 Module 7 A Computer A A puter puter s s Unit 1 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on puter? 1. 2. . screen printer mouse keyboard T he parts of puter. 1. monitor mice print paper a peice of paper two peices of paper document document file file box box learn learn save save 拯救拯救节省节省保存保存 save one's life save one's life save time/money save time/money save the document save the document connect connect …… to to…… switch on switch on …… click click …… What should we do before we use puter? turn turn on on …… first next finally then →→→ use...to do... plete the sentences with the word and expression from the box . connect turn on 1 First, _______ the screen to puter. 2 Next, _______ the keyboard and the mouse to puter. 3 Finally, _______ puter. connect connect connect connect turn on turn on 1. What does Lingling want to do on puter? 2. Can Betty use puter? 3. How many steps (步骤) do I write my homework on puter ?( notice “ first , next , finally ”) She wants to write her homework. Yes, she can. Listen and answer the questions. Five. 1 .When we write our homework on the computer,_____,open a new document. the__________to write your homework in the new document. paper should put in the______first. click"___"again,because we write the name of new document in the box. document Read and answer the questions. DABC Find the words from the box in the Find the words from the box in the conversation. Write the words they go with. conversation. Write the words they go with. 1. open ___________ 2. use ____________ to write ___________ 3. save __________ 4. print _____________ 5. Put _____________ open print save use write put the keyboard your homework the document my document a new document some paper in plete the sentences with the correct Comp


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