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外研七下unit1they touch noses2.ppt

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外研七下unit1they touch noses2.ppt

上传人:wz_198622 2017/1/24 文件大小:794 KB


外研七下unit1they touch noses2.ppt



文档介绍:eye finger foot knee leg mouth ['b?d?] ['fi?ɡ?][ni:] shoulder --What are they doing? --They are touch ing their noses ! They meet when they touch noses. [t?t?] What kind of body language do you know? many kinds of of body language ki ss sh a ke hands hug bow nod stop cry smile [k?s] [?e?k][h?g ] [ sm a?l ] [bau ] Do you know the meaning of the following gestures (手势) ? Stop! Come here. You are very good. / Well done! It’ s ok. Bye-bye. Please stop! Nice to meet you! I’ m sorry! Say hello! The last The best ess 1. China 2. America 3. Russia 4. Japan 5. New Zealand 6. India 7. Germany 8. France 9.… Different countries have different body languages ['r??? ] ['zil? nd ] ['i nd i? ] ['d??:m?ni ] How many countries are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Maori people ______ noses In ________, people kiss each other three times In ______, people put their hands _________ and nod their heads American people shake hands and sometimes ______ When they meet ________. In China, people shake hands and smile kiss India together Russia touch visitors Chinese way Shake hands and smile People in different countries may use different body language to express the same meaning and feelings. When you speak with people from other countries, try to understand and respect their body language.


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