文档介绍:毕业设计(论文) 说明书论文名称: 浅谈酸奶的营养价值及保健功能地市: 平顶山市准考证号: 041112100495 姓名: 崔璐璐学科专业: 食品与科学工程指导教师: 纠敏河南省高等教育自学考试 2013 年6月 1 浅谈酸奶的营养价值及保健功能摘要酸奶作为食品市场上主要的乳制品,有着不可替代的作用。是因为其含有丰富的营养物质,对于补充人们的膳食营养素起着至关重要的作用。酸奶性平,味酸甘,生津止渴,补虚开胃,润肠通便,降血脂,抗癌。从酸奶的发现至今已有十分久远的历史过程,本文主要阐述酸奶的起源、营养成分、营养价值及市场现状,一些保健作用和鲜为人知的特殊用途,此外,还有一些饮用酸奶的注意事项。发酵乳制品的营养对于各个年龄段的人群都是一种良好的辅助食品。本文论述了酸奶的营养价值及保健功能。关键词:酸奶;营养价值;保健作用 2 Introduction toY ogurt N utrition V alue and H ealthy F unction A BSTRACT Yogurt isa major dairy products market, with an irreplaceable role. Because they are rich in nutrients, for the people' s dietary nutrients play a vital role. Yogurt is flat, flavour acid, thirst quenching, tonify deficiency appetizing, runchang purge, reducing blood fat, anti-cancer. From the historical process of yoghurt found so far has been very long, this paper mainly expounds the origin of yogurt, nutrients, the nutritional status of the value and market, some health care function and fresh for special purposes, known in addition, there are some yoghurt note. Fermented milk nutrition for people of all ages isa good auxiliary food, and this review allow people to deepen understanding, make yogurt products more appropriate to be applied, the body of the people more because the yogurt and health . This paper discusses the yogurt nutrition value and healthy function Key words :Y oghourt , Nutritional value, Health care function 1 目录摘要................................................................................................................................. 1 ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... 2 目录................................................................................................................................... 1 前言................................................................................................................................... 1 第 1章酸奶概述....................................................................