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上传人:jianjian401 2017/1/28 文件大小:56 KB





文档介绍:Technological innovation anizational innovation Introduction In modern times, along with the development of the economy and society, especially the development of the globalization, the business es more and more developed, the market also es more and more prosperous. There are more space for the enterprises to expand their scale, and the market share. Moreover, there are also more opportunities for the enterprises to develop themselves. However, the good market environment intensifies petition among the enterprises, especially the enterprises that in the same industry. Based on this, one of the most important tasks in current time for the enterprises is to strengthen petitive power. Many enterprises choose to make the technological innovation anizational innovation to strengthen petitive power. Innovation is the key for enterprises to maintain the smooth growth and long term development. Only making innovation can the enterprises keep in pace with the market situations and the demands of the customers. Therefore, to make the technological innovation can help the enterprises research and develop more new and advanced products or services, so as to satisfy and win more customers. anizational innovation can help the enterprises obtain the talented employees, create the effective systems and regulations, and finally achieve the working efficiency. In this essay, it will firstly int


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