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  Thank you for your trust in me, grandpa! You make me feel happy, although it is just a piece of cake.

  The third grade summer vacation, I went back to my hometown. Remember me go then, you and I talked about a very serious question. "Are you going to go on!" said grandpa. " Well, how can I say?". " I want you to help me to do a thing, OK?"" no problem to me!" I pat on his chest. " But in fact what things?"" Oh, just a little thing. I want you to help me send a letter to your uncle. The little things you could accomplish?"" of course the things you done! But why don't you send? Why do you want to call me, much trouble!"" is it can be, but the message is very important, or have a guarantee!" Grandpa said. All of a sudden I drew back, as if in foreign public said:" believe me, yes!" I was very happy, because grandpa is willing to trust me, I believe I can do it well.

  On the train back home, I be anxious and preoccupied, lying in bed and uncomfortable, sitting in a chair with does not sit, actually in the heart to the letter." It is a what, Grandpa would not it to the post office to send! Anyway, whether he is a what letter, custody good to go." At night the whole car to turn off the light, almost all of the people who, but I still worry about the letter, when a man walked by me, I immediately sat up, look at the original crew. Ah! That hurts! Head was to hit. I was so surprised at first had a long night. The morning after, mother said:" Wow! This train how to have a national animal protection ( panda )?"

  After a night of running train, arrived in Guangzhou, I saw the uncle and father to meet us, I quickly rushed to the front of the letter to uncle I have already been crushed the letter very serious to his hands, he said:" this new you is it right? Look very tight?"" of course, in order to keep the fai


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