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Unit one
Ⅳ. Translation
A. 有没有一种“成功性格”,即几乎必然使人取得成就的某些性格特征的结合?如果有的话,这一成功的秘诀究竟是什么?并且,这种性格是否能培养出来?
在盖洛普公司中,我们最近集中深入研究了成功现象,探查了1 500 名杰出人物的态度和性格特征。他们是从《美国名人录》中随机抽取的。被收入《名人录》的主要标准不是财富或社会地位,而是一个人当前在某个领域中的成就。我们的研究确认了一些在成就最显著的人身上总是出现的性格特征,其中最重要的五点是:由生活经验得出的判断力、专业知识、自力更生的精神、总的智力水平以及把事情完成的能力。如果你培养这些性格特征,你就很可能会成功。而且,你甚至可能会发现自己的名字有一天也被收进《名
B. 1. What you said to him can hardly justify such conduct of yours.
2. Do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the Bishop?
3. Your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether or not your bad dream recurs.
4. The secret to the ess of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a positive way.
5. The reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a person’s opinion about himself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy.
6. In very young children, before traits have had much chance to develop, behaviour is less consistent than it is in most adults. A child’s changing behaviour may show his changing concern with different features of his activity. His interest always focuses on the business at hand. The person with strong traits and interests persists in what he is doing. Only a major situational change can disturb the direction or purpose of his behaviour.
Ⅴ. Writing
Suggested passage: The proverb “Habit is second nature” is so often quoted that it has almost e a cliché, yet we all know how true it is. A habit is a form of learned, automatic behaviour that provides pleasure fort. A bad habit has long-term negative consequences, but it still gives fort. Once formed, it seems to stick to you, no matter how hard you try to shake it off. For example, we have all heard of stories of determined individuals trying to give up smoking, but after strenuously resisting all temptations for months, only to find themselves reverting to cigarettes again on the threshold of ess.
So swearing off a bad habit is on