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上传人:羹羹 2022/4/9 文件大小:38 KB





  自我介绍是每一个职场中人都必定要经验的一件事情,自我介绍的运用不止在职场面试的时候,也会在日常交际中有广泛的应用。以下是网我为大家细心整理的“自我介绍范文英语 ”,20页

  I am a student of XXX university. People say that students are the poorest in the are not the poorest, but the richest;I always thought I had a lot of money, because I had the knowledge, the ability, and the most important thing was that I had the how I judge myself.
  First of all, in thought, a persons political thought determines his outlook on life, which determines his attitude towards study, work and high school I have become a member, enter the technical secondary school teacher and classmates very well, also obtained the teachers and classmates care help, make me feel the warmth of family, more make I have a firm political direction, love life, love the collective, help from other people eager to help others at the same time, I also participated in the youth volunteer action, can use their spare time to do things, to help those who really need class, I actively participated in various activities organized by the school. I was able to respect teachers and teachers in my study and life, and helped my teachers and classmates to do what I could to get along with cultivated my strong collective sense of honor and team spirit, make I benefit a lot in learning life, not only has made great progress in the ideological awareness, also made me to oneself, full of confidence and hope for the future.

  In my life, I follow the principle of simplicity, discipline and leniency, and I do not compare myself w


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