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文档介绍:Hiring & Firing - 雇用和解雇 NO. 16 2 ? Hiring :雇用– Process by which pany assesses qualified individuals to fill openings in the company. ? Medical test :体检– Standard test to determine whether a potential employee is fit for duty. ? Drug test: 药检– Standard test to ensure that a potential employee is not taking illegal drugs or abusing prescribed drugs. 3 ? Contract / forms :合同/表格– Papers that must be signed by a new employee before employment begins. ? Orientation :熟悉环境– Process to walk-through and acquaint new employees with policies, procedures, peers subordinates, and other office staff. 4 ? ER / HR meeting :与雇员关系部/人事部会面– Meeting with a representative of the Employee Relations / Human Relations department for contract/form signing, orientation, discussion of general issues regarding employment. 5 ? Lay-off :裁员/下岗– Process by which pany notifies employees that their jobs have been eliminated bined with existing functions due to pany facing adverse financial circumstances. 6 ? Downsizing :缩减规模– Process whereby pany reduces its ’ staff and/or operations through various actions such as early retirement, compensation packages, lay-offs, attrition, and firing. 7 ? Firing :解雇– Process by which an employee is dismissed for various reasons, such as below-standard work quality, not following pany rules and regulations, theft, etc. 8 ? Quitting :辞职– Process by which an employee terminates employment voluntarily. ? Putting in notice :请辞– Action by which an employee voluntarily notifies the pany representative that he/she is leaving/quitting. 9 Usage ? Following are some sentences that show how the terms related to job commencement and termination might be used: –(以下是一些如何使用有关开始和终止工作术语的例句:) mencement : 开始雇佣关系?I’ m impressed with your background. You ’ re hired .? You can begin employment next Monday. ? We ’ re very happy to have you. e aboard! ? You have the job . e to ABC Incorporated. ? When can you start/begin ?


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