several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurat学员的生命平安和身体健康当作为头等大事来抓。利用班前会、学员谈心对班组员工进行耐心细致的平安思想教育,进行事故案例教育,讲各种违章造成的事故给个人、家庭、社会带来的危害。总结月度工作,重点查找工作中存在的缺乏,各抒己见,每个人都可以提出自己的意见或建议,然后共同商讨并确定。
several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-2~3 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid errors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center line distance for a,, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measured
several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-2~3 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid error