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文档介绍:Unit 1 A
The group ______one of its members to be their spokesperson.
Wage increases are being kept to a(n) ______s all the materials and facilities we desire.
Unit 1 B
1. Reducing unemployment will be the main ______for the new government.
2. He said she______him from a hard-drinking person to a devoted husband and father.
The new toy didn't______the child's attention for long; a few minutes later he cried again.
4. The tragedy______only a few minutes after take-off; more than one hundred people
were killed in the crash.
5. My tutor______me to take the time to read at least three books on the list.
6. The band were forced to______their appearance at the recent MTVawards ceremony
due to George's poor health.
They accused him of having a______against his women employees.
The mutual understanding between the couple provides a solid______for their marriage.
All non-violent ( 非暴力的 ) religious and political______should be respected equally.
10. At the meeting, she made a number of______remarks to help us to improve our work.
, transformed, , , ,
, , , ,
The final decision______the patient himself rather than the doctor.
This medal is awarded______your outstanding courage.
3. Officially he is in charge of the company, but his secretary does all the work.
Don't worry. Our nursery______all the needs of very young children.
Good films on TV often______me late.
with, recognition of, fact, for, ...up
1. 他内心深处知道,他们永远也不会再见了。 (in one ’s heart)
He knew in his heart that they would never meet again.
(on the road to)
He finallyfelt that he was on the road to success after
they agreed to
first book.
他停下来喝了一口 (a sip of)
He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking.
(engage; so much that)
The big project


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