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上传人:熙凤 2022/4/10 文件大小:19 KB





摘要 目的:通過超高效液相色谱法分析蒲地蓝消炎口服液的化学成分。方法:采用Waters C18色谱柱(型号为Xbridge),该色谱柱填料颗粒直径为5 μm,色谱柱的长度为250 nd sample on the rigorous method of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography,the content of Pudilan Xiaoyan oral liquid was :1) The linear results showed that the regression equation,the correlation coefficient,and the linear range were:the results showed that baicalin had a good linear relationship with the peak area in the range of to 1 regression equation was Y=17 465 X+22 879 (r= 9); The regression equation Y=39 728X+15 520 (r= 8) of Chicory acid had a good linear relationship with the peak area integral value in the range of to ) The results of the precision test showed that the RSD= in the peak area and the RSD=% in the peak area of Chicory results showed that the ultra-high liquid phase instrument had good ) The stability test results showed that the RSD= in the peak area of Astragalin,and the RSD= % in the peak area of Chicory acid,which was in line with the RSD<3% in the peak area of the chromatographic peak,which showed good stability,suggesting that the stability of the Pudilan Xiaoyan oral liquid for the test solution was good within 24 ) The results of repetitive experiments showed that the RSD= in the peak area of scutellaria,the RSD= % in the peak area of Chicory,and the RSD<3% in the relative peak area of the peak of the spectrum,which indicated good repeatability,suggesting that the Pudilan Xiaoyan oral liquid had good repeatability for trial ) The results of the sample recovery test showed that the average recovery rates of baicalin reference solution and Chicory acid reference solution were % and %,respectively,and RSD was % and %, was suggested that the sample recovery rate measured by high phase liquid detection method was ) The content of ba
