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人教版高中英语必修一 高一英语课件教案 人教版(推荐).docx

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人教版高中英语必修一 高一英语课件教案 人教版(推荐).docx



人教版高中英语必修一 高一英语课件教案 人教版(推荐)
人教版高中英语必修一 高一英语ppt课件教案 人教版(推荐)由我整理,希望给你工作、学****生活带来方便。
人教版高 Team.

a video about Wen chuan earthquake. Step 4: Signs before earthquakes
by Wu Sun Xiuqin Team in the form of pictures and words. by Lin Shan Xiaojun Team in the form of filling in the blanks. Step 5: How to escape from the earthquake
by Wang Zeying Team in the form of pictures and words. by Zhou zhan Team in the form of T or F. by Li Jinxin Team in the form of T or F. Step 6: Imaginary work
Provided there is an earthquake now, and you can only take nothing but one thing, what will you take? Is it money, computer, water, fruits, mobile phones, or a torch light?
Step 7: Proverbs
Get the students to collect some proverbs from the internet, which are something relative to how to do with disasters, what right attitude we should take and so on., then ask them to write them on the blackboard, and explain them to the students one by one.

Step 8: Homework
an earthquake happens in the claroom, what should you do?
an earthquake happens in the bedroom , what should you do? c Provided an earthquake happens in the hotel, what should you do?
备课时,我开始准备了 reading,即The Night The Earth Didn\'t Sleep 这一课的教学设计,但在制作课件过程中,我发现不知不觉已导入很多课本以外内容,如:地球上的灾难,本世纪的大地震,地震的前兆等等,而这些内容与本课息息相关,密不可分。如果加进去,容量过大,有舍本逐末之嫌,如果舍去,则少了许多必要的铺垫和导入,对于一篇记叙文来讲,过多挖掘课文内容已显多余。于是我想,何不把它分成两节课来处理?这一节我定它为课外知识拓展,有了这样的想法之后,思路豁然开朗,我可以以“地震”为母板,重新设定教学内容。于是,一会的工夫,本课模型已跃然纸上: