EMPLOYER’S NAME: _________
ADDRESS: _____________n excess of holiday entitlement on termination of service。
All holidays must be taken in the holiday year - no holidays may be carried forward to the following year without prior agreement with the management。
Compassionate leave will be given sympathetic consideration by the Employer。 The
Employer however does not hold itself bound to make any payment for compassionate leave unless taken as part of current holiday entitlement。
Maternity leave will be subject to the guidelines laid out by the Department Social Security ("DSS") or such other relevant government authority or legislation from time to time。 产假则遵循社会保障部或政府法规的相关规定。
Should you be unable to attend work due to sickness you are required to contact your immediate supervisor by 11。00 hours on the first day of incapacity。
Where sick leave exceeds three days in one continuous period the Employer will pay at half your basic rate the first three days。 Thereafter pay will be at the current rate of Statutory Sick Pay。 Where periods of incapacity are linked, as laid down in DSS Statutory Sick Pay regulations, you will only receive Statutory Sick Pay at the current rate from the first day of incapacity。
For short term periods of sickness the Employer will pay a maximum of 10 days in any one year at your basic rate for sick leave。
Where long term sick leave is necessary, the Employer at its discretion will top up your Statutory Sick Pay entitlement up to a maximum of one third of your basic rate, for a
maximum period of