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文档介绍:I 摘要本设计矿井为鸡西矿业集团有限责任公司城子河煤矿 新井设计, 共有可采煤层 3层,煤层平均厚度为 ,倾角为 11°,属缓倾斜煤层。设计井田的可采储量 ,服务年限为 年。本设计矿井打算采用双立井开拓方式,划分二个开采水平,一水平上山开采,二水平上下山开采。采用集中大巷布置,大巷采用 10吨架线式电机车牵引 底卸式矿车运输。主井采用多绳摩擦箕斗提升,副井采用刚性组合罐道罐笼提升。由于井田倾斜长度较大,且为缓倾斜煤层,以及煤层地质条件等因素影响, 决定采用倾斜长壁采煤法开采,工作面采用综合机械化开采方式,采空区处理方法为全部垮落法。矿井的通风方式为中央并列抽出式。关键词开拓水平集中大巷倾斜长壁 II Abstract The this design mineral well designs for pany city son of the group limited liability of the chicken west mineral industry river coal mine Mts/a new well, having totally can adopt coal seam 3 layers, the coal seam average thickness is ms, The Cape for 11° s, belong to tilt toone side coal seam the well farmland can adopt to keep to measure Mts, the service time limit is years. The this design mineral well plans an adoption double to sign well to expand a way, dividing the line 2 to mine level, a level climbs mountain to mine, even top and bottom mountain in Erh-shui adoption concentrates a big lane decoration, the big lane adopts 10 line type electrical engineering cars to lead the t bottom unload type mineral car a main well adopts many ropes to rub to promote, the vice- well adopts a bination bottle a way bottle cage to promote. Because the well farmland inclination length more big, and in order to tilt to one side coal seam slowly, and coal seam geology condition etc. factor influence, decide adopt tilt toone side long the wall adopt a coal method to mine, work noodles prehensive the mechanization mine a way, adopting empty area processing the method fall a method for allthe falls The well ventilated way of mineral well for central be juxtaposed a draw out type. key words E xpands The level Concentrated big lane Tilt toone side long wall III 目录摘要....................................................................................................................... I Abstract ........................................................................................