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文档介绍:I 摘要本设计矿井为鸡西矿业集团城子河煤矿的新井设计,设计生产能力为 ,服务年限 61a 。井田内有 4 层可采煤层。划分为 2 个水平开采, 井田平均走向长 4500m , 平均倾斜长 3300m , 煤层平均倾角 10°, 属缓倾斜煤层。本设计矿井采用双立井布置, 和集中大巷布置方式。通风方式为两翼对角式。由于井田倾斜长度较大, 且为缓倾斜煤层, 以及煤层地质条件等因素影响,决定本井田内全部采用倾斜长壁采煤法开采, 大巷与带区入、回风巷之间采用反倾斜巷道进行联系, 采煤工艺全部采用综合机械化采煤。采空区处理方法采用垮落法, 工作面长为 200m ,年工作日为 330 天,工作制度采用“三、八”式,每日割六刀,每刀进度为 。提升设备为主井采用箕斗提升,副井采用罐笼提升。关键词: 采煤工艺倾斜长壁采煤法综合机械化采煤 II Abstract The design of the mine in Jixi Mining Group Chengzihe Coal Mine of new wells design, design production capacity of Mt / a,a service time of 61a. The Mine has four layers coal seam. Divided into two levels of exploitation, mine to the average length of 4,500 m, 3,300 m long tilt. Seam average angle of 10° isa gently inclined seam. The design of double-shaft mine layout, and concentrated in large roadway layout. Ventilation flanks of roles. Due to the length ofa larger mine tilt, and to gently inclined seam coal geological conditions and the impact of factors such as, Mine decision within the oblique longwall mining exploitation, and to bring roadway into the area. Wind back alley between the use of anti-incline droad way contact all mining technology integrated mechanized mining. Goaf approach adopted falling, face 200 m long, with an annual working days to 330 days, the system of "three, eight" pattern, cutting daily six knives, knife progress for every m. Well mainly to upgrade equipment used winder, using cage belonging to upgrade. Keywords : Mining Technology inclined longwall mining method integrated mechanized mining III 绪论煤炭资源为我国经济的飞速发展提供了 70% 的能源原料,所以矿业在国民经济中有着举足轻重的地位,但是我, 所以我们要加速发展我们对煤炭资源的开采和利用水平。大学的生活是那么的易逝,我们即将毕业走向社会。经过几年学习,检验我们学习成果的时候到来了—毕业设计。为了做到学以致用的目的, 学校组织我们去黑龙江省鸡西市城子河煤矿进行毕业实习, 通过我们收集相关的资料, 在现场的调查与实践, 我们学到了在课堂中学不到的东西,回校后进行新井的设计。设计包括矿井的开拓方式、巷道布置、采煤工艺、矿井运输、排水、通风和各项经济指标。需要对上述问题进行详细的方案比较分析。从而从中选择一套最合理的设计方案。由于鸡西市城子河煤矿煤层倾角在 8° ~ 12° ,属于缓斜煤层,四个可采煤层间距较小, 且地质条件构造简单, 故巷道集中布置, 四煤层共用一个回风、运输大巷。采煤方法选用倾斜长壁采煤法, 采煤工艺采用综合机械化采煤工艺。经比较发现采用本方案, 工程量小, 维护方便, 技术上合理, 经济可靠。