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文档介绍:摘要党代表联系群众是推进党代表任期制的一个关键问题,其成效直接关系到党代表任期制的生命力。在推行党代表任期制的起始阶段,实行党代表任期制遵循着自上而下的方向,因而缺乏足够的民意基础和相应的配套机制。因此,党代表联系群众是推行党代表任期制的一个紧迫性难题。本文对党代表联系群众问题的研究主要是从以下几个方面展开:一是党代表联系群众的理论依据和基本目标。理论依据包括执政党与群众关系理论、代议制民主理论和制度理论等;基本目标包括增强党代表在党内的代表性、畅通民意输入渠道、密切党群关系等。二是考察典型地区的党代表联系群众的实践情况及其经验,主要以浙江省台州市椒江区、上海市徐汇、闵行等地区的探索为分析案例,总结党代表联系群众的实践做法及其特征。三是党代表联系群众面临的现实困境。在当前制度环境下,党代表还未有效嵌入到群众的诉求空间中,存在大量制约党代表联系群众的因素,影响着党代表任期制的完善。四是对构建党代表联系群众的机制进行整体分析与思考,主要是从党代表反映群众利益诉求的动力机制、党代表发挥特长服务群众的工作机制、党代表运用权力为群众谋利益的民主机制以及党代表深入群众和了解群众的组织机制四个方面做出论述,尝试性地回答如何建构与完善党代表联系群众的机制这个实际问题。关键词: 党代表;群众;联系机制;党代表任期制;党内民主 III ABSTRACT The delegates of Party congresses with the masses issues a key issue that the practical effect of party ties with the masses is directly related to the vitality of the system of Party congresses by adopting a tenure system for their delegates. Now, this system that is lack of sufficient public support and the corresponding support mechanisms is promoted by the system of anizations following the term party-down direction. The delegates of Party congresses with the masses face more problems in practice. Thus, studying on the issue of party ties with the masses es more urgent. This paper will study the issue of the delegates of Party congresses with the masses from the following several aspects: First, the theoretical basis of party ties with the masses include representative democracy , the relations theory of the ruling party and the masses, the systems theory. The basis of objective are increasing party representation in the party, smooth channels for public input and close relations with the masses. Second, a rational look at the specific practices and experiences of Jiaojiang district, Taizhou city, Zhejiang province and Xuhui district, Minhang district of Shanghai is analyzed, in order to summary the main features of party ties with the masses. Third, in the current system environment, the delegates of Party congresses with the masses face a problem that they can ’t embed the grass roots. In practi