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文档介绍:College Students shop online opportunities and risks Abstract Online shop asa new entrepreneurial approach, it gives the opportunity to bring that contemporary college students, and there are risks and dilemmas, network-based entrepreneurial university students continued to decline, by analyzing the background and current situation of college students online shop, discusses the college online shop in practice the risks and difficulties, made ? ? way college students online shop. This thesis bination of the actual and the problems faced by their own online business to analyze, mainly from the work and opportunities facing the college shop online shop to analyze the risks and difficulties. K ey words: College students; online shop; opportunities; risk; O utline I. Online business opportunity 1, policy support merce development is China's basic national policy. Accelerate the development of merce is to implement the scientific concept of development requirements, but also to deal with the economic challenges of globalization, the only way to improve petitiveness isa necessary way to create their own brands, but also an essential means of promoting the efficient allocation of resources in the market. Therefore, our approach to the development of merce as an important economic construction. Party Congress report states: "Information is to accelerate the industrialization and modernization of the inevitable choice to adhere to information technology to stimulate industrialization, promote information technology ...... new road to industrialization.." Third Plenum is clearly pointed out: "vigorously promote open markets inside and outside, to accelerate market factor prices, the development of merce, chain management, logistics and other moder


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