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文档介绍:1994 年试题与分析 Section Ⅰ Use of English The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of words is1 the utmost importance. Proper selection will eliminate one source of2 breakdown is in munication cycle. Too often, careless use of words __3 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may ___4 unfavorable reactions in the listener 5 interfere with prehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down. 6 __, urate or indefinite words may make ___7 difficult for the listener to understand the 8 which is being transmitted to him. The speaker who does not have specific words in his working vocabulary may be9 to explain or describe ina 10 that can be understood by his listeners. 1.[ A] of [B] at [C] for [D] on 2. [A] essible [B] timely [C] likely [D] invalid 3. [A] encourages [B] prevents [C] destroys [D] offers 4. [A] pass out [B] take away [C] back up [D] stir up 5. [A] who [B] as [C] which [D] what 6. [A] Moreover [B] However [C] Preliminarily [D] Unexpectedly 7. [A] that [B] it [C] so [D] this 8. [A] speech [B] sense [C] message [D] meaning 9. [A] obscure [B] difficult [C] impossible [D] unable 10. [A] case [B] means [C] method [D] way 一、文章结构总体分析语言中的首要的以及最小的单位是单词。说话时, 选词至关重要。恰当地选词可以消除交流障碍, 不慎重的词语会阻碍说话双方的思想交流。二、试题解析 1.[ 答案]A[ 解析] 本题考核的知识点是:介词的用法。本文第一句提出,对于语言来说,首先可以讨论的最小单位是单词。 F irst 和 smalles t 两个形容词已经道出单词在语言中的重要地位。此后, 文章进一步指出, 说话时选择词语非常重要。我们看到, 空格后是一个名词性短语 utmost importance , 而所给的四个选项全是介词,也就是说所选的介词应该与这个名词性短语组合在一起,做 be 动词的表语。 of 的一个特定用法是: of+ 表示评估意义的抽象名词= 该名词对应的形容词,可做表语, 表示具有某种性质、状况。如: of great use=great useful, of importance=important, 所以 A为正确选项。 2.[ 答案]C[ 解析] 本题考核的知识点是:逻辑语意搭配+ 形容词词义辨析。前面已经提到, 单词在语言中占有首要地位, 因此, 说话时对词语的选用就变得非常重要。本句大意为:恰当的选词可以消除交流过程中...... 的障碍。 likely 意为“可能发生的”, 不论从语法角度, 还是从逻辑角度讲都非常恰当。 essibl e 表示“难以达到的,难以接近的”,如: This novel seems to me among the most essible. 这本书对我来说是最难懂的小说之一。我们知道,说话过程中完全可能出现交流的障碍,所以 essible 不恰当。 timely 意为“及时的, 准时的”,如:a timely t