/i:/ 穿针引线音:拇指和食指捏住线从左向右拉。(拉得越长越好,please,please speak English with me)
I see a bee in the sea.
/u:/ 火车呜呜叫音:拇指与其余四指呈圆形,从左向右运动。(food)
Who tells me the truth?
/  ɔ: / 恍然大悟音:手掌呈现半圆形,从左向右运动。(always)
I saw a horse.
/a:/ 极度抒情音:手合成喇叭状,然后慢慢张开。
A large farm in my heart.
/  ə: / 两天没吃饭---饿了音:手掌张开侧平举,手掌向上,手指向内卷。(重读卷舌音,work,first, perfect)
Early bird gets the worm.
/ i  / 微笑露酒窝音:手掌张开放到头上向自己的方向挥动。(difficult,按自己的肚子,短而急促)
A big pig is in the big ship.
/ e / 剪刀音:食指和中指像剪刀一样张开然后又合上。
Let’s have a rest.
/ æ / 疯狂90度裂嘴音:食指和中指劈个叉。(apple)
I’m happy.
/ u / 向上提气音:手势和/ i /一样。(短u音,should)
That’s very good.
/ ɔ  / 鱼刺卡在喉咙里音:手掌渐渐张开,直至张大到拇指与食指近90度。(大嘴音,possible,bother)
Sorry to bother you.
/ ʌ / 三角音:拇指和食指分开。
Her son ing.
/  ə / 语气停顿音:手掌张开侧平举,手掌向下,手指向内卷。(轻读卷舌音,remember)
I have a sister and a brother.
/ ai / 爱的大嘴音:伸出一个手指画大圆。(大嘴阿姨音,china, time, fly, smile)
Don’t be shy, just try.
/ ei / 傻笑音:双手从嘴角向后拉。(嘴角咧到耳朵上,mistake)
It’s a great day today.
/ au / 鬼哭狼嚎音:伸出两指,从外向内画圈。(outstanding)
Now get out of the house.
/  əu / 脱口秀音:手臂侧平举,下划作弧状,似舀水。(smoke,hope)
Hope to go home.
/ ɔi / boy音:拇指和其余四指合拢成半圆后,食指迅速竖起。(enjoy, I really enjoy like to talk to you)
The boy has toys.
/ iə  / 耳朵音:
Hear with ears.
/  ɛə  / 野兔音:拇指和食指张开。(care)
A hare is over