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九年级英语下册 module 6 look after yourself unit 1 he has had an accident学案1(无答案) 外研版.doc

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九年级英语下册 module 6 look after yourself unit 1 he has had an accident学案1(无答案) 外研版.doc

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九年级英语下册 module 6 look after yourself unit 1 he has had an accident学案1(无答案) 外研版.doc



文档介绍:M 6U1 He has had an accident Teaching aims : 1、知识目标: (1) 词汇: fever, wound, miss, trip, ache, fall over, catch up, nothing serious, as soon as, on one ’s way to (2) 句型:① What's happened to them? ②I think it’s going to rain. ③ We had better get you to hospital. ④ He was running along the wall when he tripped and fell over the edge. 2、能力目标: 能听懂关于意外事故和疾病的英语话题,能以 How do you feel?My leg hurts. 或 Nothing serious. 等展开对话。 3、情感目标:通过学****掌握一些救生知识,学会自我保护。 Teaching keys ; (1) 句型:① He was running along the wall when he tripped and fell over the edge. ② There he is, lying on the ground! (2) 语法: 动词的时态 Teaching difficulties: 动词的时态知识点拨: 一. Key words : n. 发烧,常用短语: have\run a (high)fever boy _____ _____ _____ _____. 这男孩发高烧。 2. wound n. 伤;伤口 . The soldier got a serious w_______ on the leg. 【用法点拨】 wound 一般指外伤,多指刀伤或枪伤。其形容词为 wounded “受伤的”。 . The w______ boy was sent to the hospital. 【联想辐射】 wound v. 伤害;损害 teacher ’s words w________ him badly. v. 不在 . When I visited her, she was m_______. 【联想辐射】(1)be missing 失踪的; 下落不明的。 missing 为形容词。其同义短语为 be lost ’s said that the old man is m_______\ l____. (2)miss v. 想念;怀念 says that she m_____ you very much. (3) miss v. 错过 m_____ the early bus. 4. trip v. 绊;绊倒,常与 over 连用 . She _______ ______ the stone and fell. 5. catch up 赶上, 常与介词 with 连用, catch up with 意为“赶上……” . He is running in order to ______ _____