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文档介绍:Part Submission Warrant Part Name Cust Part Number Shown on Drawing Part Number Engineering Change Level Dated ICR/ ICN # Additional Engineering Changes Dated Safety and/or Government Regulation Purchase Order Number Checking Aid Number Checking Aid Engineering Change ANIZATION MANUFACTURING INFORMATION CUSTOMER SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Supplier Name & Supplier/Vendor Code Customer Name/Division Street Address Buyer/Buyer Code City Region Postal Code Country Application MATERIALS REPORTING Has customer - required Substances of Concern information been reported? Submitted by IMDS or other customer format: Are polymeric parts identified with appropriate ISO marking codes? REASON FOR SUBMISSION (Check at least one) Initial submission Change to Optional Construction or Material Engineering Change(s) Sub - Supplier or Material Source Change Tooling: Transfer, Replacement, Refurbishment, or additional Change in Part Processing Correction of Discrepancy Parts produced at Additional Location Tooling Inactive > than 1 year Other - please specify REQUESTED SUBMISSION LEVEL (Check one) Level 1- Warrant only (and for designated appearance items, an Appearance Approval Report) submitted to customer. Level 2- Warrant with product samples and limited supporting data submitted to customer. Level 3- Warrant with product samples plete supporting data submitted to customer. Level 4- Warrant and other requirements as defined by customer. Level 5- Warrant with product samples plete supporting data reviewed anization manufacturing location. SUBMISSION RESULTS The results for dimensional measurements material and functional tests appearance criteria These results meet all drawing and specification requirements: (If "NO" - Explanation Required) Mold / Cavity / Production Process DECLARATION I affirm that the samples represented by this warrant are representative of our parts, which were made bya process that meets all Production Part Approval Process Manual 4th Edition Requirements. I furthe


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