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文档介绍:Translation (Revision of Unit 4) ?1。团聚在餐桌前? Gather around the table/assemble the family around the table ?2。为祖国争光? Give honor to our motherland ?3。来来往往? come and go ?5。节日包价旅行? The package tour of the holidays ?6。个性坚强的人? A person with a strong personality ?7。陶冶你的情操? Nurture your mind ?8。以读书来增长你的见识? To enlarge your knowledge through reading ?9。理论与实践结合? The integration of theory and practice ? 10 。按照原则行事? Act by/on/according to the principle ? 11 。凭自己的本事? On one ’ s own merit ? 12 。血肉相连? Of blood and flesh ? 13 。适者生存? the fittest survive ? 14 。时常迟到? Be late now and then/be late at one time or another Word study 1. Existence : n. being real; a way of living ? A. 这是现存的最古老的人体骨架。? This is the oldest human skeleton in existence. (现存) ? B. 在成立(存在的)头几年,这个剧院没有固定的场所。? During the first few years of its existence, the theater had no permanent home. (存在) ? C. 他们在伦敦的一个小平房度过了痛苦的一生。? They lead a miserable existence in a tiny flat in London. (a way of living 一生)? D. 我在华盛顿这儿过着相当封闭的生活。? I lead a rather isolated existence here in Washington. (a way of living 生活) 2. Puzzle : n. sth that is difficult and makes you think a lot; a game or toy that tests your knowledge, skill, intelligence, etc. ? A. 他行动的理由对历史学家来说一直是个谜。? The reason for his action have remained a puzzle to historians. ( ) ? B. 谜底在第 28 页。? The solution to the puzzle is on page 28. (n. 谜) v. to make you think a lot because you cannot understand or explain it? C. 我很迷惑她为什么那么说。? It puzzles me why she said that. ( v . 迷惑) ? D. 我们苦苦思索它的意思是什么。? We puzzled over what it meant. (puzzle over sth 苦苦思考) ? E. 这封信是意大利文写的,我们用了一个小时才设法想出它说了些什么。? The letter was in Italian and it took us an hour to puzzle out what it said. (puzzle sth out 设法想出) 3. Confuse :v. to make sb unable to think clearly or to know what to do; to make sth unclear ? A. 我有点困惑,你可以再解释一下吗? ?I’ m a bit confused. Could you explain that again? ( ) ? B.