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文档介绍:Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System BIRADS-US Background BIRADS was developed in 1993 by the American College of Radiology(ACR ) ? Standardize the language of mammography reporting. ? Clarify mammographic interpretations. ? munication between clinicians. A quality assurance tool Background ? In light of the widespread use of sonography and similar goals ? BIRADS-US was established by ACR in 2003. ? The 1st edition. ? provides a standard terminology and assessment for breast US reports. Content ? Breast imaging lexicon ? Assessment caregories BIRADS-US Lexicon Mass Shape Orientation Margin Lesion booundary Echo pattern Surrounding tissue Posterior Acoustic Features Calcification Special Cases Vascularity Lexicon —— mass ? Mass ? Occupies space. ? Should be seen in two different projections. Fat lobule of mammary glands Lexicon —— Mass ? Mass shape ? Oval , elliptical or egg-shaped (may include 2 or 3 undulations 分叶) . “ gently lobulated ” or“ macrolobulated ”? Round , spherical,ball-shaped,circular or globular ? Irregular , neither round nor oval in shape Round Oval Oval 16% malignant Round 60% malignant Irregular Irregular 60% malignant


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