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春天校内的美景英语作文 篇1
  The peach blossom
  Spring, peach blossom opened, and a bunch of a cluster and full of b你从树下走过,杨花还会轻轻地挂在你的身上。再过几天,树上的杨花就会像雨点似的掉个不停。那时,地上满是杨花,一层层,厚厚的,捡两天也捡不完。
  春天校内的`美景英语作文 篇2
  In the spring, a small grass-green, like put on a green new clothes. Grass thin, cleaning, such as silk, all over in every corner of the earth, and in one piece, like the earth into a soft green MAO a pullover, and like a green carpet. Clumps of grass in the wind moving, beautiful! Grass color many, have blue, green, green color, multipolar.
  Spring, the willow germination, and pulled out a twig. Thin branches, peak green, floating in the breeze. Wicker was blown up, willow swaying in the wind, gently wipe the surface of the lake, the lake like a beautiful girl to comb hair. Spring came, rain, such as silk, greening the greedy sucking the dew of spring, also drew the buds were slowly, like pieces of red flowers open in the evergreen bush.
  In the spring, all things recovery, white flowers bloom. Golden rape flower colors, white pear, pink peach blossom, and white, pure white jasmine and white apple blossom, red poinsettia, red camellia, became a graze, the vast link together, become a colorful world. What design and color is charming! Someone in this place, certainly will be the fragrance of flowers and red and green flowers have to linger.
  Spring, snow and ice melt. The river is spouted flow; One winter sleep the frog also woke up, jumped out of the cave, and dancing in the flowers, singing at the edge of the field; The swallow also came from the south, come to the party of spring.
  Connect to the world is not permanent, it is very brief; Connect quietly walked, but this beautiful picture scroll is forever engraved on my mind.