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  Dear Mr Black,
  Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in thate. My major is business administration.
  I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.
  I have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but I hope to seek more responsible employment. I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable.
  If you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know.
  Thank you very much for your kind attention. Sincerely yours,
  Dear Sir or Madam:
  Do you have any work in your Accounting Department for a part?time employee? Miss Wang, of the University Placement Office, has suggested that I write to you, since I would like to work for your company after I finish my courses at the University. I?ve heard so much about your company, and I believe it offers a good chance to a man interested in construction work and trained in business.
  I'm enclosing a resume that gives details of my life so far. My father died when I was twelve years old, and I?ve been on my own since fourteen. I?m finishing college plenty late but I?ve had some experience along the way, with four years in the military.
  I could work every afternoon and all day Saturday. Professor He at the university can tell you about my work in accounting. He is Chairman of


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