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  By Debbie Shalom, founder of Amazing Résumés and Coaching Services
  In order to incr eliminating candidates who do not fit their basic requirements. Your goal is to pass the prescreening test by proving you have the required skills. Your prize is an invitation to a face-to-face interview.
  Behavioral interviews are based on the belief that “past performance is an indicator of future value.” After identifying which skills and knowledge are necessary to fill the open position, employers will then develop and ask questions based on these competencies. The questions often ask the job seeker to tell about or describe a time in the past when they had to respond to a certain situation. Interviewers want to know how you handled these issues and what the outcomes were.

  4. Be passionate. 充溢热忱
  Every employer believes his or her company is special and unique and therefore wants to hire the best person for the job. Show your passion for the company and its products by preparing “big picture” questions that address the employer’s needs.
  Sample questions to ask include:
  What are the two most important tasks and issues related to this position?
  One year from now, what would yo


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