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文档介绍:毕业设计(论文) 学生姓名: 王可学号: 1101041323 专业: 建筑工程技术系部: 环境科学与工程系设计( 论文) 题目: 再生骨料取代率对混凝土(C20) 抗压强度的影响指导教师: 唐亮 2014 年6月5日 I 摘要随着我国经济的快速发展和城镇化建设进程的加快, 基础建设规模越来越大, 拆除旧建筑产生了大量的建筑垃圾, 而每年用于浇筑混凝土的集料消耗上亿 m 3, 带来了一系列自然资源、环境污染、能源消耗和可持续发展的问题。为了缓解这一矛盾, 再生骨料及再生混凝土的开发应用研究已被广泛关注, 成为目前有待解决的关键技术之一。本试验充分利用实验室里废弃的混凝土试块,将其压碎作为再生骨料来代替原生骨料其取代率分别为 100% ,75% , 50% ,0% 每个取代率分别做四组试验(每组三个)其龄期分别为 28d 45d 60d 90d 的混凝土试块(按照 C20 混凝土配合比做混凝土试块),在达到试验所需龄期后做混凝土立方体抗压强度的试验并对试验结果进行对比分析。试验证明:在同一配合比下同一龄期的不同取代率的混凝土试块的立方体抗压强度不一样;在同一配合比下的同一取代率的不同龄期的的混凝土试块的立方体抗压强度不一样。关键词: 废弃混凝土试块再生骨料立方体抗压强度 II Abstract: With China's rapid economic development and the accelerated process of urbanization, the increasing scale of infrastructure construction, demolition of old buildings have a lotof construction waste, and the annual aggregate for concrete pouring billions of consumption m 3, with toa series of natural resources, environmental pollution, energy consumption and sustainable development. In order to alleviate this problem, recycled aggregate and recycled concrete development and application of research has been widespread concern, e one of the key technologies solved. The full use of the laboratory testing of waste concrete block, as it crushed recycled aggregate to replace the original aggregate of its replacement rate was 100%, 75%, 50%, 0%,separately for each replacement of four tests (groups of three) of its age is28d 45d 60d 90d of the concrete block (according to C20 concrete pared the concrete block), the age required to test for concrete pressive strength after the test and the test results were analyzed. Tests to prove: the same ratio in the same age with different replacement rates of the pressive strength of concrete block are not the same; in the same ratio the same with the replacement of the different ages of the pressive strength of concrete block not the same. Keywords: A bandoned concrete block R ecycled aggregate The pressive strength III 目录摘要...................................................................


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