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文档介绍:密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题
第11页,共12页 any photos to Susan.
( )19. They always help each other and will be friends forever.
IV Listen to the passage and fill in the following blanks. (听短文填空格,每空限填一词)(6%)
20. The Mid-autumn Festival is next ___________.
21. Tomorrow is Grandma’s _____________.
22. All the boy’s uncles, ___________ and cousins will come to the party.
23. The boy’s mother is going to make a nice___________ cake for the Grandma.
24. The boy can go ____________ with his cousins in the afternoon.
25. The boy and his mother are going to the ____________ to buy food.
Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法) (共39分)
Ⅰ.Choose the proper word to complete each sentence. (从括号内选出适当的词填空) (6%)
does the ticket cost? (How many, How much)
27. These people _________ (are, is) my relatives.
28. My sister is very to other people. (friend, friendly)
29. My best friend always shares her food __________ me. (to , with)
30. Simon would like a pilot. (being, to be)
31. We should keep our classroom every day. (cleaning, clean)
II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(15%)
( )32. Please choose the word that does not belong to the group. (选择一个划线部分发音不属于同一组的单词)
A) o’clock
B) those
C) shop
D) cost
( )33. Please match the underlined le


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