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上传人:jianjian401 2017/2/20 文件大小:74 KB





文档介绍:Residential planning method 1. attention munities in the use of resources and munity surrounding environment including geographical environment and humane environment traffic history and natural ecological environment. The expansion of cities and the development of private cars, the people in work and life bring convenient also brings various traffic jam, and air pollution. People will seek living space glanced around the city and suburbs. munications munity culture atmosphere, natural ecological environment e people to choose the consumption of fashion. In munity surrounding or senior school, large internal building green corridor is recreational facilities, such as new development concept. 2. the pursuit of high-munity environment Modern planners are provided for natural living environment for the society, and no man living environment, provides the essence of social lost his past. So the residential space isnot only a group of living environment, but also the fundamental operations target. So, the residential space naturally e the guiding group, which reflects the basis and the index of social environment and satisfied. We pursue munity space isnot only good for living environment, but also for fun, to plete and healthy, entertainment, resist the living environment of human nature of modern industry. Architecture is the main elements, the living environment of the ideal munity space depends heavily on residential building design. The munication residential area ideal spatial patterns Regional: the basic framework of the residential area, marks mon life of maximum range of subjects, to lay their initial regional significance of residential area. To form a residential area, the first to have a space, emphasize its focus here. Constitute the regional factors is plex, often is the mixture of spirit and matter. It is the main mechanism mon residential. Regional scope of tolerance for subject provides, the feeling of belonging, common experience of each subject are


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