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上传人:书犹药也 2022/4/22 文件大小:22 KB





I’m a bit tired. I think I’ll go home.
--- How are you feeling today?
--- A bit better, thanks.
We nsides John. (涉及John)
All of us passed except John. (不涉及John)
The job was dull and boring.
Her husband is about the most boring person I’ve ever met.
Can I borrow your dictionary?
I borrowed a pound from my brother.
Lend me your bicycle for a while, will you?
I lent my dictionary to Tom.
The weather was bright and sunny.
She is the brightest pupil in the class.
Come over here and bring your book.
Let’s have one more drink, and then I will take you back home.
He’s here on business, not for pleasure.
He got what he wanted by talking very cleverly.
He got what he wanted with flowers and chocolates.
She can speak French very well.
She is able to speak French very well.
I’ll be able to speak German in another few months.
After five hours of climbing, we were able to reach the top of the mountain.
She is old enough to take care of herself.
His father has good cause to be proud of him.
Do you know what caused the fire?
What caused you to change your mind?
I’ll just have a quick check to see if the letter has arrived yet.
Make a phone call to check that you’re writing to the right person.
He checked the temperature every morning.
My memory is not clear on that point.
The skies were clear and blue.
You’ll do as you are told, is that clear?
I need some new clothes.
He bought a lot of clothes.
these, those, many clothes
These people need food, clothing and shelter.
It’s common for children to be afraid of the dark.
We are working together for a common purpose.
We are considering buying a new car.
We will have to consider your offer carefully.
If you consider that she’s only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well.
My husband is a very good cook.
I prefer gas cookers to electric ones.
Children’s lives are in danger every time they cross this road.
Doctors said she is now out of danger.
It was dar


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