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Example Questionnaire英文调查问卷.doc

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Example Questionnaire英文调查问卷.doc

上传人:yixingmaoj 2017/2/20 文件大小:48 KB


Example Questionnaire英文调查问卷.doc



文档介绍:Example Questionnaire Following these simple rules can help you make aquestionnaire that is easier for people plete. tokeep the questionnaire onone sheet: this will help you, and the person giving the answers. the questions asyou would say them iftalking naturally to someone. acount ofpeoples answers alongside the question using tally marks: count upafter exercise. Aquick example ofusing tally marks tocount answers: 10. Do you think other people would use the service? ?Yes ?No Here isanexample ofafull questionnaire using our simple rules: Questionnaire – Current Facilities & Preferences 1. Do you use fast-food services in the area ? ?Yes ?No 2. Which fast-food services do you use (if any)? ?a)Kebab ?b)Sandwiches ?c)Hotdog ?d)Pizza ?e)Hamburger ?f)Fish &Chips ?g)Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian …) ?h)None 3. What type of fast food do you prefer ? ?a)Hamburger ?b)Pizza ?c)Hotdog ?d)Fish &Chips ?e)Kebab ?f)Sandwiches ?g)Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian …) ?h)None 4. What type of fast-food services are in the area? ?a)Hotdog ?b)Hamburger ?c)Pizza ?d)Fish &Chips ?e)Kebab ?f)Sandwiches ?g)Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian …) ?h)None Customer Trends 5. What else do you buy when purchasing fast food ’? ?a)carbonated (fizzy) drinks ?b)coffee, tea ?c)Other 6. What time of day do you eat fast-food? ?a)Before 11am ?b)Between 11am and 2pm ?c)Between 2pm and 6pm ?d)Between


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