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文档介绍:Conceptualizing critical thinking 批判性思维构思 SHARON BAILIN, ROLAND CASE, JERROLD R. COOMBS and LEROI B. DANIELS 沙龙柏林, 罗兰案例, 杰罗尔德 R. 库姆斯和勒鲁瓦 B 。丹尼尔斯 In this paper, the second of two, we set out a conception of critical thinking D that critical thinking isa normative enterprise in which, toa greater or lesser degree, we apply appropriate criteria and standards to what we or others say, do, or write. The expression `critical thinking ’ isa normative term. Those who e critical thinkers acquire such intellectual resources as background knowledge, operational knowledge of appropriate standards, knowledge of key concepts, possession ofe ff€ ective heuristics,and of certain vital habits of mind. We explain why these intellectual resources are needed and suggest that we can best teach critical thinking by infusing it within any curricular practice in which our students are involved. 在本文中,两篇中的第二篇,我们创设了一个批判性思维的概念, 即批判性思维是一个在一定程度上给我们提所要说的, 所要做的或者所要写的适当的规范和标准的领域。批判性思维的表达是一个长期的过程。那些具有批判性思维的人需要这些智力资源比如达到适当标准的操作知识, 关键概念的知识, 有效启发式知识的拥有以及某些重要思维****惯的养成作为背景知识。我们解释了为什么这些智力资源的必要性以及提出建议,我们可以更好地将批判性思维注入任何课外实践,使我们的学生都参与其中。 Judging by the attention given to critical thinking in educational journals and in the o cial documents of governing agencies, support for teaching critical thinking at all levels of education is extremely strong in North America and the UK. But, agreement about teaching critical thinking


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