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文档介绍:考点双向联动考点双向联动晨读时分晨读时分单元目标领航单元目标领航高效课时作业高效课时作业 Modules 3 ~4 Interpersonal Relationships - Friendship & Music 人际关系——友谊&音乐考点双向联动考点双向联动晨读时分晨读时分单元目标领航单元目标领航高效课时作业高效课时作业酷词在线 : thrilled 兴奋的; on...note 以……基调(1)one's excitement es stone - cold fear 某人由兴奋变得浑身发凉害怕; (2)scare sb. to death 将某人吓得要死; (3)keep picturing sb. doing sth 不断地想象着某人在做某事 (1))live in fear 生活在恐惧中(2)trip over words 语无伦次 (1)one's heart pounds 心砰砰地跳(2)struggle with 与……作斗争(3)refuse to believe : pull on/at the heartstrings of sb. 拉动某人的心弦; to one's embarrassment/amazement/delight 令人尴尬/惊奇/高兴的是; a sense of guilt and shame/freedom/humor 负疚感与羞愧感/自由感/幽默感; be confident about sth. 对……感到自信考点双向联动考点双向联动晨读时分晨读时分单元目标领航单元目标领航高效课时作业高效课时作业好句展台(今日选读·时尚佳句) 1.(1)We were thrilled at being the only people for miles around...until we got going. (2)We ended the day on that breathless , carefree note , and I felt proud of myself proud of ing my fear. 考点双向联动考点双向联动晨读时分晨读时分单元目标领航单元目标领航高效课时作业高效课时作业 2.(1)As we drove through the deserted w ilderness (荒野), my excitement became stone - cold fear .I had no idea what I was afraid of , or why I was afraid , but suddenly every turn , every hill , every steep (陡峭的)side of the mountain scared me to death .I kept picturing us crashing headlong into a tree or falling off the side ofa drop . (2)But we can't live in fear . (3)My mouth tripped ov erw ords , and I continually said “ um ” while I thought of the correct terms. 考点双向联动考点双向联动晨读时分晨读时分单元目标领航单元目标领航高效课时作业高效课时作业 3.(1) My mind cleared and quieted and my muscles relaxed . (2)As we drove the last leg of the run , I began to resent being afraid to drive. Deep down, I wanted to be in charge of the thing that scared me. It made me angry that fear was keeping me from something I really w anted todo .The day ing to an end , and the resort was only a few miles knew that ifI didn 't take my chance no w ,Iw ould regret it. 4.(1)I w