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文档介绍:1 摘要此次毕业设计的题目为带式输送机设计, 带式输送机为通用机械的范畴, 是现实生活中运输工作最为得力的助手之一,本说明书首先对带式输送机作了介绍与描述;其次分析了带式输送机的设计计算并对主要零部件进行了校核;其后对带式输送机驱动装置进行选择并作出详细设计;最后依据输送机的部件选用原则对其部件做出分析与选择。带式输送机主要由传动装置,机尾和导回装置,中部机架,拉紧装置以及胶带等组成。作为一个整体机械,已经实现向大运量、大运距、大倾角和广泛的使用性能方向发展,而且可以实现依靠连续物料流的整体运动来完成物料从装载点到卸载点的输送。带式输送机的转弯问题是带式输送机发展到当代,为扩展其使用领域并取得技术与经济上的最佳效益而需迫切解决的问题, 此问题也是扩大带式输送机的适用范围的重要方面。合理改进设计方法能有效提高输送机工作效率意义重大,同时对改善带式输送机运动部件的摩擦、磨损情况和合理延长输送带、托辊与滚筒的使用寿命都具有极大的积极意义。带式输送机主要用于煤矿生产,故采用合理的清扫装置不仅可以减少输送带的磨损, 而且还可以减少资源的浪费,同时也有利于环保。关键词: 带式输送机, 选型设计;计算校核;主要部件 2 Abstract The title of my graduation design is design ing a belt conveyor , it belongs to machinery for the general category, also it is one of the most effective assistant s of shipping work in the area of industry, firstly, it was introduced and described in this instruction ; secondly, it was analyzed with a belt conveyor about the designing calculations, and a checking up the main parts of the belt conveyor ; thirdly, it isa driver with a transporter to choose and make a detailed design ; Finally , according to ponent parts of the belt conveyor to make an analysis and choose. It mainly consists of the transmission, tail and report back to the device, the central supporter , the device to pull and the plastic belt, and so on. As a whole machinery it has not only been achieved the big transportation and farther distance and big dip and extensive use of performance, but also to rely on material flow for the overall movement plete the material from the loading to unloading of transportation. Turning isa urgent to solve problem to expand their fields and use technology and the best economic efficiency ofa belt conveyor development in modern life, it is also the important respects to expand the scope of application with a. belt conveyor . Brought toa design improvement of belt conveyor not only has important function to improve the efficiency but also to improv e the frictions, worn with a transporter moving parts ofa belt conveyor and reasonable extend the life of be


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