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文档介绍:- 1- British Survey Test Part I Geography I. Fill in the Blanks 1. The . is situated in_ Northwestern ____ Europe. 2. The full title of the . is the United Kingdom of_ Great ____ __ Britain ___ and Northern _____ _ Ireland ____ .3. The largest part of . is England _____ . 4. Greater London is made upof12__ Inner ___ London boroughs and __20___ Outer London boroughs. 5. The British national anthem is_ God ____ __ Save ___ _ the ____ _ Queen ____ . Part II History 1. At about 3000 BC, some of the __ Iberians ___ settled in Britain. John ____ _ Milton __’s“ Paradise Lost ” was published in1667. 3. Beowulf , considered the greatest Old English poem, is assigned to _ Anglo-Saxon ____ Times. 4.“ Renaissance ” means “__ rebirth ___ ”, . Europe rediscovering its origins in the - 2- cultures of ancient Greek and Rome. 5. In the summer of1588 the Spanish ships, the __ Invincible _____ Armada __ was defeated by English ships. 6. The steam engine was invented by__ James ___ __ Watt ___ in1769. 7. Samuel Crompton invented the _ Spinning ____ __ Mule ___ in1779. Part III Culture I. Fill in the Blanks 1. Charles Robert Darwin published his book On the __ Origin ___ __of___ __ Species ___ which caused a stir in Victorian times. 2. Oscar Wilder was an aesthete advocating “__ art___ ___ for ____ art’s___ _ sake ____ ”.3. The place where many famous figures are buried is called _ Westminster ____ __ Abbey ___. Hyde ____ Park in the Centre of London isone of the World ’s most famous city parks. - 3- Part IV Social Life I. Fill in the Blanks 1. London Cockney isa kind of_ dialect ____ spoken by some people in London. 2. The nickname for Britain is_ John ____ _ Bull ____. 3. Father Christmas is also called _ Santa ____ _ Claus ____, who gives presents only to children and knows what every child wants. 4. The doctrine of__ Buddhism ___ is found in Buddhist Scripture. 5. The doctrine of_ Islam ____ is found in Koran. 6. The doctrine of Christianity is the __ Holy ___ _