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美国文学论文 death of a salesman.doc

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美国文学论文 death of a salesman.doc

上传人:wangzhidaol 2017/2/20 文件大小:46 KB


美国文学论文 death of a salesman.doc



文档介绍:The Symbology in Death ofa Salesman Abstract: Death ofa Salesman isone of Arthur Miller ’s masterpieces. It isa drama. It isnot only the plot attracts the readers a lot, but also the employment of large amount of symbols makes the drama more essful. This essay briefly analyses the symbolic meanings of seeds, stockings, diamonds and some other symbols in the aim to better understand the theme of failure and the tragic result of the novel. Key words: Death ofa Salesman , symbols, seeds, stockings, flute, diamonds 1. Introduction Arthur Miller ’s Death ofa Salesman is the origin of modern tragedy; indeed, the story concentrated Willy Loman who is struggling to his dream but cannot make his life eed. In order to make this play a essful and accepted tragedy, numerous and clearly defined examples of symbolism are used-the seeds, stockings, diamonds, and so forth. These symbols gave the play a depth that allowed it to reach its audiences ona more personal level. All of these make the character in the drama human enough for the audience to share their emotion, to see that character ’s life in our own lives or the lives of those we know. 2. The definition of symbol According to“ Ci Hai ”,a symbol isa physical entity that represents ideas and emotions. The purpose ofa symbol is municate meaning. For example, a red octagon may bea symbol for "STOP". A red rose symbolizes love passion. Sym


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