文档介绍:辽宁省高等教育自学考试公司管理专业(本科段) 毕业设计(论文) 设计题目: 许继集团企业文化建设研究助学单位沈阳工业大学姓名贠永胜准考证号指导教师余维田 201 3年10月9日摘要企业文化是文化这一概念在企业这一特定领域的延伸, 它是由企业价值观、企业道德和相应的行为规范等组成的, 企业文化是在一定的社会和经济条件下通过人们的社会实践所形成并由企业全体员工所共同遵守。同时,它也是企业发展中的一种独特的管理模式。二十一世纪是一个充满挑战的世纪,企业之间的竞争实际上就是企业文化的竞争,企业文化竞争力也将成为企业的第一竞争力。企业要实现健康、快速和可持续发展,必须构建和运用其特有的核心竞争力,而这种核心竞争力则根植于企业文化中。一家企业如果离开企业文化,对内将难以形成员的凝聚力,对外则难以形成企业的竞争力。因此,建设独特而优秀的企业文化,对于提升企业的核心竞争力和帮助企业顺利地参与到市场的竞争都是至关重要的。本文对企业文化的理论进行了阐述,介绍了企业文化的定义、类别和内容结构,说明了企业文化的重要功能。通过开展对许继集团员工的企业文化问卷调查,本文对许继集团的企业文化的现状进行了分析诊断,指出了其企业文化存在的不足,及其可能对许继集团未来的生存和发展造成的影响。最后本文对许继集团的企业文化建设工作进行了具体分析, 并指出了提升许继集团的企业文化建设水平的具体措施。希望本文的研究成果能为其它企业的企业文化建设提供一些建设性的意见。关键词:许继集团公司文化建设 Abstract Corporate culture is the deepening of the concept “ culture ” pany , made upof value , morality and rule which are obeyed by all the people under the condition of society and economy Through the social also , it isa special management mode in the development pany. The 21 st century isa century full of panies is in fact the petition , and in the future corporate culture will be the petition it is important toone enterprise to form and apply its own petition ability during its healthy prosperous and long-term petition ability ofone enterprise is founded in the corporate the corporate culture , the enterprise will have no its own cohesive force and have no peting ability. So it is very important to found the special and excellent corporate would be vital meaning for pany to construct excellent corporate culture to prompt its petition ability and meet the world petition. This thesis summarizes the theories of corporate culture and discusses the connotation , categories and the it elaborates the corporate culture vital significance to enterprise. By analyzing the questionnaires , the author diagnoses Xuji Group ’s corporate culture present situation , and points out the ings of Xuji culture and the influence to the existe