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文档介绍:1 幼儿择园问题的调查研究摘要现如今,如何挑选幼儿园已经成为了一股势不可挡的热潮,一时间如何挑选幼儿园也成为了大众普遍所关注的焦点。当前,大多数关于择园的研究调查都是关于挑选幼儿园时出现的一些列问题进行研究,而忽视了在择园过程中起到决定作用的家长,在这过程当中家长们占据着至关重要的作用。本篇文章主要针对家长在择园中所产生的一系列问题进行了调查研究。通过调查研究,我们发现家长之所以会对幼儿择园有诸多想法,主要是来源于外界各种各样的压力和自身因素导致的,迫使他们有更多的要求和诉求。通过查阅相关文献以及进行问卷调查我们意识到,家长在选择幼儿园的过程当中往往会因经济和社会方面等诸多因素的制约。关键词: 幼儿;幼儿教师;家长择园 2 The investigation of the children choose the garden problems The article This article is mainly aimed at the kindergarten parents when choosing kindergartens generated bya series of problems. Nowadays, how to choose the kindergarten has e an upsurge of overwhelming, at that time about how to choose the kindergarten became the focus of widespread public concern. At present, most research about choosing garden kindergarten is selected ona series of problems in the study, and ignore the decision effect in the process of choosing garden of parents, parents in the process of occupies a very important role. This article focuses on the potential of parents choose the garden ofa series of problems has carried on the investigation and study. Through the investigation and study, we found that parents are the children choose the garden has many ideas, e from the outside world all kinds of pressure and its causes, forcing them to have more requirements and demands. Questionnaire survey was conducted by consulting relevant literature, and we realized that in the process of selecting the kindergarten parents tend tobedue to the restriction of many factors, such as economic and social aspects. keywords : The kindergarten ; Choose the garden ; Choose the garden strategy ; Parents choose the garden 3 引言一问题的提出与文献综述(一)问题的提出 1. 幼教体制改革 2. 学前教育政策法规不断完善 3. 多元化的幼儿教育形式(二)研究的目的及意义(三)文献综述 1. 概念界定 2. 国内外相关研究二研究设计 1. 文献研究法 2. 问卷调查法三研究结果分析(一)幼儿家庭情况对家长择园的影响 1. 与孩子的亲属关系 2. 家长年纪 3. 家长学历 4. 家长职业 5. 家庭月均收入状况(二)分析家长择园影响因素的总体现状 1. 费用问题 2. 幼儿园环境与设备 3. 师资力量 4. 机构自身因素 5. 课程设计与教学四家长选择幼儿园主要存在的影响因素 1. 选择幼儿园最主要的问题是入园难 2. 公办幼儿园与私立幼儿园之间竞争成择园焦点 3. 家长在选择幼儿园的时候对幼儿园缺乏真正的了解,家园之间存有隔阂 4. 城市与农村家长对幼儿园的选择机会不平等


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