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文档介绍:题  目:  规模化畜禽养殖场规划设计
子 题 目: 2万只土鸡养殖场规划设计
学校:   昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院
班  次: 场很稳定,武定壮鸡在周边地区旳销量较好,人们对“武定壮鸡”旳口碑始终不错。因此,在武定建设一种高效生态科学管理旳土鸡养殖场,不仅有助于“武定壮鸡”品牌旳发展,这也是支持家乡产业发展旳好措施。
核心词: 土鸡;土鸡养殖;养鸡场规划;养鸡场设计
Since the reform and opening,As a investment of a province, a short cycle, "quick animal husbandry ", The broiler industry is the most rapid development in China's animal husbandry groups, the largest production scale, market economy involved in the earliest society the greatest contribution to an industry,
is currently the world's second largest chicken producer after the United States. In China, the foundation and favorable conditions of the development of high quality chicken production have a very considerable international and domestic markets, With China's rapid economic development and people's living standards improve, the quality chicken and supporting the Department of production will become a modern the main body of the broiler industry, and broad development prospects. For this project construction locations, first of all weapons given the "weapons given strong chicken" of farming in the local small-famous, another weapons given strong chicken's market is very stable, weapons given strong chicken is very kind in the surrounding areas of sales, people on the "weapons given strong chicken" word of mouth has been good. Therefore, building an efficient ecological science and management chicken farms in Wuding, not only strong chicken brand, which is also a good way to support the development of home industries.
Key word: Chicken;Chicken farming;the planning of Chicken farm;the designing of Chicken farm


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