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Unit 5 section 2.doc

上传人:iluyuw9 2017/2/23 文件大小:286 KB


Unit 5 section 2.doc



文档介绍:Unit 5 Nelson Mandela — a modern hero Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Ⅰ. 把下列每对句子连接成一个含有定语从句的句子 1. October 1st, 1949 was the day. He went abroad for further study on that day. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. It happened ona day in November. The weather was very wet and cold that day. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. The shop isn't far away. I bought the book there. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. The place has been turned into a theatre. The villagers fought the enemy there many years ago. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. We don't know the reason. They didn't study hard for the reason. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: 1. October 1st, 1949 was the day when he went abroad for further study. 2. It happened ona day in November when the weather was very wet and cold. 3. The shop where I bought the book isn't far away. 4. The place where the villagers fought the enemy many years ago has been turned into a theatre. 5. We don't know the reason why they didn't study hard. Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. I'll never forget the days ____________________. 我永远忘不了我们在一起工作的日子。 2. I'll never forget the days ________________ in Qingdao. 我永远也忘不了我们在青岛度过的那些日子。 3. Do you know the reason ___________________


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