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unit1 Cultural relics.ppt

上传人:yuzonghong1 2017/2/23 文件大小:10.26 MB


unit1 Cultural relics.ppt



文档介绍:Warming up and pre-reading How much is it worth? Please guess the prices of the following things. A jade sculpture 翡翠雕塑 about 4 million Yuan 窑址在江西吉安,盛于南宋。产品以木叶、剪纸贴花以及兔毫釉最为名贵。此碗参考价为8 —9万元。 A bowl (Jiangxi Song Dynasty) 80,000- 90,000 Yuan 底部有“大明弘治年制”楷书款,盘径26 .2厘米。96年的拍卖成交价在20 —30万元左右。 200,000- 30,000 Yuan A plate (Ming Dynasty) 高49 .3厘米,景德镇官窑制品。元青花的特点为体大、胎厚、份量较重,色泛青白。此类梅瓶当在10万元左右?。 about 100,000 Yuan a vase ? What do you think they have in common? expensive, valuable, … Why do many people spend so much money on them? They are cultural relics. are cultural relics ? ? A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remained when the rest has been destroyed; it tells people about the past. Can you give some examples of the cultural relics both at home and abroad? The famous cultural relics in China