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  If the Hollywood image of 'Casablanca' is important to you, prepare for a shock fromd by Tangier (丹吉尔,摩洛哥北部港市) is what you'll find without even looking for it. No other place in the country displays bigger differences between the haves and the have-nots.
  If anything in Casablanca should fit the Casablanca of Bergman and Bogart(影片《北非碟影》中的女主角英 格丽褒曼和男主角亨弗瑞包嘉), it should be the old city. It's small, consisting mainly of smaller houses, which all seem to be from this century, and the alleyways(小巷) dominating in other old cities, are rarely found here. There is a good market here, but look around before you buy, shop keepers here know their skills. Some thousand people live here, and in one or two spots, true beauty occurs.
  Wide boulevards
  Among the most visible aspects of Casablanca are the wide boulevards flanked by white, tall buildings. The streets run out as the leaves of a fan from the Place de Nations Unies. This place is the focal point of downtown Casablanca, and also the point where the modern town meets the medina.
  Colony white
  A walk around Casablanca will demonstrate clearly that Casablanca was the place that the French colonial authorities gave most attention. The old colonial centre of Casablanca is not small, and refreshingly beautiful. The buildings are of a French version of Arab


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