Unit 1 Winter Activities
Part A
◆ 语言学问目标
〔2〕老师出示一张中国地图,请学生指出the Yangtze River的位置,引导学生说:“It’s the Yangtze River. It’s a very long river.” 〔3〕教学单词travel及其过去式traveled。
〔4〕教学介词along。along 的意思是“沿着,顺着,靠着??边”,例如: They are walking along the river.〔他们正沿着河漫步。〕 There are many trees along the street.〔沿街有许多树木。〕
Walk along this road and you will find the library.〔顺着这条路走,你会找到图书馆。〕 。 〔1〕老师再提出问题:“What did they do there?”然后分段播放课文录音,请学生谨慎听并找出问题的答案:
Julia climbed a famous mountain in Shandong.
Wang Tao took many photos when he traveled along the Yangtze River. Sally went skating on the lake.
〔2〕教学单词famous,并请学生用famous来说一说一些闻名的风景名胜,如: —Do you know the Great Wall? —Yes. It’s very famous.
I would like to travel along the Yangtze River. It is very famous in the world. Big Ben is a famous clock in the world.
you go anywhere in winter?
〔1〕老师在黑板上句子Where did ?go in winter?的旁边板书句子:Did you go anywhere in winter?请学生读课文对话,找到该句话,并通过上下文,推测这个句子的意思。 〔2〕老师告知学生,这两句话的意思大致一样,然后教学单词anywhere。 〔二〕熟读课文内容并表演对话
,请学生跟读并效仿语音语调。 ,分角色朗读对话。
and 。
〔1〕老师播放录音,学生效仿跟读,并教学词组went/go back。 〔2〕请学生两人一组进展对话练习。
〔3〕请个别学生进展对话展示,老师或同伴订正语音语调。 :Sightseeing。
〔1〕请学生读一读韵律诗的内容,先个别后全体。 〔2〕老师播放录音,学生效仿跟读。
〔3〕请学生效仿课本韵律诗自编一首,如: I visited the Great Wall. A long,long wall.
I visited Big Ben. A big,big clock.
I took many photos. Many beautiful photos.
to 。 〔1〕学生独立完成练习,将答案写在课本上。 〔2〕学生两人一组交换课本,相互订正。 〔四〕语音教学